Monday, May 10, 2010

tomorrow Listen 12.30 EST. WebTV Liquid Lunch

I will be on this program with Dee Nicholson of Canadian For Health Freedom. Below is what we will be discussing. She is following the bouncing ball of our freedom losses and tells it like it is. Plug in and watch.

The loss of our rights to International agreements is as fatal to our freedoms as losing them through Government bills that seem protective but in fact limit our rights in many areas. It might be a good review to explain this and some of the agreements our Government is signing on our behalf and the ones presently being presented internally to bring us to heal. The fact that you can point to the overall codex plan allows people's eyes to glaze over and lose the salient fact that we are being done in. But that being said it sounds like a topic that all of us can be interested in. Homeopathy is successful because it works and growing as it should as people spread the news to people. Much of what is being passed now will fall as the Corporates are more and more losing credibility and few are adhering to the draconian laws enacted. Remember HMO should have been able to insist we all take vaccines as a pandemic had been declared last year but no country insisted on this and it was a failure of the strong forces against the weaker citizenry that just did not buy into it at any level.

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